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Pupils amidst undergrowth at Eden Project

School Workshop: Rainforest Rangers

This workshop invites students to learn what it takes to survive in the Amazon rainforest.

You may also be interested in the online version of this session, delivered live to your school by our team.

Workshop overview

What happens in the workshop

Students must embark on a quest of discovery through the Rainforest Biome that reveals how the rainforest can provide what they need to survive. 

Surrounded by expedition survival equipment, maps and plant samples, the Education Officer assists the students in their preparation for this survival challenge. Students will undergo basic training through role play and careful examination of plant specimens to consider how they could be used.

By observing what grows in the Rainforest Biome, the students identify plants for survival. The information they gather is used to complete their Rainforest Rangers’ notebook. This activity encourages students to think about how plants are adapted for life in the tropics, how they can be used for human survival and how indigenous people have adapted them for their own everyday use. On returning to the classroom, we reflect on what’s been learnt, and why the rainforest is important for all of us.

Visiting teacher

A visiting teacher

“ The children are so lucky to have the opportunity to touch, feel and smell the rainforest. It really helped the children appreciate how different the rainforest environment and climate is. ”

Practical information

Visiting pupil

Visiting pupil

“ My best part of the day was when we went into the rainforest and looked at the cocoa bean that makes chocolate. ”

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