Make a pledge, keep climate positive
You have the power to make a difference to the future of our planet and all that call it home. From recycling and reusing, to growing your own food – there’s so much you can do. What will you pledge?
We are closed on Mondays to Wednesdays until 12 February for essential maintenance but you can book your visit for other days.
This summer, Eden will transport you to a land with creativity, imagination and outdoor play at its very heart. Our gardens and Biomes will provide a stunning backdrop for the whole family to get playful this summer. At the centre will be our new adventure playground area, Nature’s Playground.
Are you planning on having a planet-friendly summer? From what you eat, to the clothes you wear there's so much you can do to make your summer a little more playful. Check out our top tips to get you started!
Mending is trending this summer! Before you head to the shops for your next summer look, think about the planet.
Try these eco-friendly fashion tips:
Patch and embellish old clothes to give a new lease of life.
Donate unloved and buy preloved – one person’s trash is another’s treasure!
Buy clothes made with healthy people and healthy planet in mind – Fairtrade, organic cotton, natural dyes...
With summer comes barbecues and garden parties full of mouth-watering food! But do you know how, when, and where your food was produced?
Reduce your impact with these top tips:
Eat less meat and dairy, and more fresh fruit and veg.
Give meat and dairy substitutes a go, but be aware of their impact. Currently, most soybean farming contributes to deforestation, and the crop also has to travel many miles and be processed before it reaches our shelves.
Buy local and in season to reduce emissions from field to fork.
Learn where your food comes from. Is it grown with nature in mind?
Whether you're popping to the shops or going on holiday, every journey adds up. It can be tempting to hop on a plane in search of sun and white beaches but why not look closer to home?
Here's some more ideas to get you started:
Go electric if you can – do your research on grants and incentives that could help.
Reduce the number of trips you take by car, and share rides with others when you can.
Switch to walking, cycling, or public transport for shorter journeys.
Fly less – use alternatives like trains, and choose staycations.
Be more fuel efficient – keep tyres inflated, go easy on the accelerator.
Summer is a great time to level up your garden for pollinators and there's never been a more important time to do it with 41% of insects facing extinction in the UK.
Here's what you can do this summer to help our insect friends:
Grow plants - including pollinator friendly wildflowers - at home or in your community.
Build your own bug hotel.
Cut back on the lawn mowing – let nature regenerate.
Longer days and warmer weather means that the summer is the perfect time to cut down on your energy usage. All the energy used by UK households amounts to 22% of the UK’s annual carbon footprint.
Make greener energy choices with these tips:
Switch off lights, turn off taps, don’t leave the TV on standby.
Install a smart meter to keep track of your energy use.
Insulate your home – lofts, doors and windows – to keep it warm without turning up the thermostat.
Wash laundry at lower temperatures, and when you have a full load - saving both energy and water – win, win!
Take shorter showers to use less hot water.
Ultimately, we need to stop using fossil fuels as fast as we can. Choose an energy provider powered by renewable sources.
Climate change isn't just a summer problem - but with heatwaves and droughts on the rise what better time to take a stand?
Use your voice and your vote to push for change.
Support organisations working to make a positive difference.
Buy wisely. Learn about products and where they come from.
Care for your community. Work together on issues that count.