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Globe model on Rainforest Canopy Walkway at Eden Project

Sustainability at Eden

Sustainability underpins everything we do at Eden. 'Sustain-ability' basically means 'the ability to carry on'.  To do that we all need to live with the grain of nature, within its natural cycles and not beyond its boundaries.

Here at Eden you can explore how the natural world sustains us and how all life is interconnected in a vast web. You'll also see how Eden works with nature in diverse ways, including reducing energy use, making soil from recycled waste, buying locally, driving electric vehicles and supporting responsible global trade. 

What we do to the Earth we do to ourselves – let's treasure and support a world we want to live in.

CO2 widget

CO₂ Widget

This real-time widget tracks the global level of carbon dioxide and its rate of increase – two of the most important factors in deciding the future of our civilisation and life on Earth.



“ [Eden is] the place that made us reevaluate our lifestyle; educated our kids to recycle, upcycle, repair, and reuse; and helped us understand how wonderful and fragile our world is. ”


Learn about sustainability here

Did you know?

UK households waste 5m tonnes of food a year, generating nearly as much greenhouse gas as our cars.

The planet is facing a crisis of unprecedented scale. Our vision at the Eden Project is to create a future that we all want to live in, by:

  • exploring the interconnectedness of all life on Earth
  • sharing how the natural world supports us all
  • discussing the planetary crisis – and the urgent need to act
  • informing, educating and enabling you to take realistic actions that will make a difference to the world
  • demonstrating hope and that, by acting together, transformation is possible.

A visit to Eden can help to inspire you to take action in your own life to combat climate change and biodiversity loss. We want you to leave with a sense of hope, brimming with ideas on how make positive changes.

What happens to Eden's waste

  1. 54% sent for recycling

  2. 19% of total waste is composted

  3. 23% creates energy from waste

  4. 4% sent to landfill

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