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Growing Wildflowers - From Seed to Seeds. Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

Lesson plan: Growing Wildflowers - From Seed to Seeds

A series of science lessons, focusing on the importance of wildflowers, sowing wildflower seeds and observing them grow.

Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash


Activity details

Overview and curriculum links

During this set of science-focused sessions, pupils will start by learning about seeds. They will compare different types of seeds and discuss what they need in order to germinate and grow. They will then learn about the importance of wildflowers and be given the opportunity to sow wildflower seeds somewhere around your school. Pupils will observe these plants as they grow, providing context to their learning about the stages of growth for flowering plants. Finally, pupils will get the chance to share the product of their efforts with the wider community.

This lesson addresses many of the KS1 Science objectives, outlined in the National Curriculum, relating to Plants, Living things and their Habitats and Seasonal Change. These are:

Year 1- Plants:

  • Identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants.
  • Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants.

Year 1- Seasonal Changes:

  • Observe changes across the four seasons.

Year 2- Living things and their habitats:

  • Identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of plants.
  • Identify and name a variety of plants in their habitats.

Year 2- Plants

  • Observe and describe how seeds grow into mature plants.
  • Find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy.

Students will:

This lesson enables students to:

  • Compare and contrast different types of seeds.
  • Understand the requirements of plants for germination, growth and survival.
  • Understand the importance of wildflowers within a habitat.
  • Observe the growth of wildflowers that they have planted.
  • Identify the different parts (seeds, roots, stem, leaves, flowers, petals) of flowering plants.
  • Describe changes in plants associated with the seasons.


Lesson plan

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