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A child crouching on the ground with a magnifying glass looking for bugs

Lesson plan: Minibeast Trackers

A lesson plan in which pupils explore their natural environment looking for minibeasts.


Activity details

What’s more exciting or compelling to children than minibeasts? In this session children use their senses to look, listen and touch their way around their outdoor space - encouraging a sense of curiosity that could lead to adventures and imaginative play.

Objectives and curriculum links

This lesson enables students to:

  • Treat animals in the environment with care and sensitivity.
  • Observe and recognise some simple characteristics of minibeasts and other living things.
  • Work together as part of a group or in pairs, taking turns and sharing fairly.
  • Develop curiosity and interest by exploring their surroundings using their senses.
  • Communicate through conversation by sharing experiences, ideas and information with each other.

We've designed the lesson to help teachers cover the following subject areas:



Lesson plan

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